Monday, July 12, 2010

What Other People Said

Here is the second installment of the section of my blog that I've entitled What Other People Said. If you want an explanation of the name and why I gave it that, please click here.

I apologize for not getting the names of the people who said these quotes, except for the two at the end of this post.
America is not at war. The Marine Corps is at war. America is at the wall.
The most expensive meal you'll ever eat is pussy.
Your karma is leaking.
Never take no for an answer. Never take yes for granted.
Merde! Because shit always sounds better in French.
You can't have both feet on the ground and kick ass at the same time.
Up all night; got demons to fight.
An oligarchy is easily overcome. The many lack a purpose or reason to fight for the few, and the few fear a purpose or reason with which to arm the many.
Absence is to love as wind is to fire. It extinguishes the little flame and fans the big flame.
-- Umberto Eco
When I see something on the net and think it's funny, I type LQTM. That stands for Laughed Quietly To Myself. It's a lot more honest than LOL.
--Demetri Martin.

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