Friday, March 12, 2010

A Mutato

A mutato is another name for a mutant potato.
"Didn't go out the other day. Stayed home with a sick friend. Me."
Little did he know of the little he did know.
"On Pearl Harbor Day, sadly enough, there is no Japanese lady who would blow the hell out of me."
Le Bimbeau and Les Bimbeaux are descriptions of the ignorant in dog French.
Crosstown Ladies, Midtown Wives: Sounds like the title of a Jackie Collins novel.
Things inevitable in winter: Death, television, snow.
Things inevitable in spring: Death, taxes, tax dodging.
The children in a family of idiots were named Dizzy, Daffy, Dopey, Dummy ... and Zaccariah.
Thus sayeth X, in the manner of the King James Bible:
I am vengeful upon mine enemies, which are legion upon this earth, alas.
I have
the deep dark
from drinking
too much
A old man wonders:
When was the last time I had an erection? Or a hard stool? Or both during the same day?
Outer space --
it's a
far-out place!
is not a doofus.
The snow was a shallow cover on the ground. The grass poked through it. The cars were covered lightly. The streets were wet, not slick, as if rain fell during the night.
You have a fuck off, but never a fuck on.
You have a fuck up, but never a fuck down.
"I call that state O-sigh-O."


"You'd sigh, too, if you'd think about it. And also if you once lived there."
The homosexual vampire says, "I want to suck your cock."
The perverted vampire says, "I want to fuck your blood."

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