Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Below is my second commonplace post. It includes four short selections that I found last week, and post here for your illumination.

This is a rewording about a couple. It came from a profile in the New Yorker magazine. I eliminated their names because they weren't relevant:

She only had him. With time on her hands and few friends, she gradually became isolated and distraught, depressed at his long absences. Even sleep was hard for her; she relied on sleeping pills to calm herself.

This was in the November 2007 issue of Esquire magazine and is from Dave Grohl, leader of the Foo Fighters and former drummer of Nirvana:

Anybody who has to focus on being real has a problem. It's like having a panic attack over how you're prone to panic attacks.

This one is from the January 2007 issue of Esquire and is by R.J. from Davenport, Iowa:

If you look like Paul Giamatti but carry yourself like you're Brad Pitt, most people will see you as Brad Pitt.

This one is also from the same issue of Esquire as #3. It's from H.V. of Indianapolis:

When you're feeling your worst, your most insecure, write it down. I assure you that no matter how depressed you feel at the time, you won't believe how stupid you'll sound later when you read it back.

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