Wednesday, October 1, 2008

loving machines? oh really?

either a lot of people exaggerate their actions and reactions about some things ... or they feel more deeply than i do about them. most of the time, i think it's the first thing.

here's an example.

one time, i lived in a subdivision. one summer day, one of my neighbors told me that he loved his lawn mower. the year before, he told me he loved his leaf blower. that winter, he told me he loved his snow blower.

when he told me of his love for his lawn mower, i thought:

if those machines do a good job, i can see where you appreciate them. but you sure as hell don't love them. because if you have the same emotion for them that you ought to have for your family, your country, your deity -- you ought to see a psychologist.

and if i know some men, if they love something, they want to have sex with it. having sex with an animal is beastiality. but having sex with a machine is desperation.

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